Youngsters always remember their first job. It’s one of the first and last teachable moments they experience on their way to adulthood. Knowing the best remote jobs for teens is essential to make the most out of their youth.
Back then, remote summer jobs for teens were less widespread. Outdoor jobs for teens were far more common. You had to be a paper boy, work in a grocery store, fast food restaurant, or other stuff. However, the advent of labor laws has done much to change what side jobs for teens can be legally gotten today.
So, if you’re a parent looking for remote jobs for young adults or a young person searching for the best online jobs for teens, you must know where to start looking and are in the right place here.
But if you’re a teen googling the Internet to search for opportunities and land on this article, good for you!
I once started working during the summer, too. The money and experience I collected over time were valuable when I started my first job after graduation. Whether or not you plan to go to college, a little money earned and skillset obtained will take you far.
So here I am, highlighting the best remote summer jobs for teens here.
Picking The Best Remote Jobs For Teens – Everything You Need to Know
Picking the right jobs for 16-year-olds online is challenging by any stretch of the imagination. You must consider several variables and navigate numerous potholes to ensure that you get this right.
Considering this, we’ll highlight some of the most important factors to remember when looking for side jobs for teens:
The Legality Of The Gig
So that you don’t inadvertently end up breaking any number of child labor laws, you have to be very careful of what kinds of jobs you let your young adult take on. What’s more, there are international and local child labor laws to consider, meaning that there’s a ton of stuff you must pay close mind to here.
By extension, the job not only has to be a legal activity, but a teenager’s participation in the said activity must be allowed by law.
As an example, some online jobs for teens might be acceptable for 16-year-olds to do but legally wrong for 14-year-olds to try out. As such, making accurate and appropriate distinctions is paramount here.
The Interest Of The Teen
Another decisive factor you must consider carefully here is the interest of the person taking on the job. Ideally, you want to get remote jobs for young adults that align with your child’s preferences.
For example, you want to avoid pushing a teen with a high aptitude for coding and programming to jobs like writing or graphic design. This can be both counterproductive and damaging to your child.
So, before settling for any remote summer jobs for teens, make sure that you consider what your young adult is partial to as well.
The Safety Of The Teen
Yet another crucial element to pay close attention to here is how safe this job is for a teen to handle. Just because some gigs are jobs teenagers can do from home doesn’t mean that anything should fly in this area.
As a parent, you need to ensure that any job your teen will be taking on won’t put them in danger or distress in any manner or form.
The Value Gained From This Experience
For parents, think of it this way –
Just what will your child be gaining from these side jobs for teens?
Is it worth trying out for the young adult?
Do these jobs for 16-year-olds online add value to your ward?
Critically answering the above questions is necessary for one reason: it isn’t enough to just keep your teen engaged. As a parent, you must see that they are productively committed.
As you can imagine, trying to combine all the above to find your child’s ideal side job isn’t easy.
That’s why we’ve compiled a list of the best remote jobs for teens to consider now!

The 30 Best Remote Jobs For Teens In 2024
I’ve done the legwork, covered all bases, and put together a list of the 30 best jobs teenagers can do from home. These jobs have been divided into different sections, so you have an easier time finding what you like. These include:
Remote Jobs For Creative Teens
For the creative-minded teen, there are several worthwhile gigs you can try your hands on this summer. At the top of that list is:
1. YouTube Influencer
Starting a YouTube channel is like a default side gig for most young people nowadays. One possible reason for this might be because these gigs combine lots of what they know and love efficiently.
Case in point: as a YouTube influencer, you must spend considerable time online. Most young people already spend a lot of time online anyway. Becoming an influencer also requires discussing things you know and enjoy. Again, teens already do this.
So, this work-from-home for teens allows you to make a little money off the back of things you already do!
Pay Estimate: $100 to thousands of dollars
Minimum Age Requirement: Any age with parents as managers for the underaged
Core Tasks: Create engaging content and encourage your subscribers to purchase certain products or services
2. Blogger
Blogging is hands down one of the best remote jobs for teens in this day and age.
Or, haven’t you wondered why there seem to be more (not less) blogs around today?
It’s because the massive potential of this space is yet to be fully tapped, and an increasing number of people realize this fact every day.
What you need to get started here is a passion for writing and a niche that you genuinely have an interest in. Also, ensure you update your blog consistently, and the moola will come!
Pay Estimate: $22 to thousands of dollars
Minimum Age Requirement: Any age
Core Tasks: Research and writing
3. Graphics Designer
If bloggers are masters with words, then graphics designers are the overlords regarding images. As a graphics designer, you’ll create visuals that sell a particular image or pass a message to the target audience.
You need several tools to know how to use well as a graphics designer. At the top of that list are Adobe Photoshop, CorelDRAW, and Lunacy. Once you’re proficient with any or all of these tools, there are tons of gigs waiting for you on platforms like Behance and 99Designs!
Pay Estimate: $21.77 to thousands of dollars
Minimum Age Requirement: Any age
Core Tasks: Designing and developing visual concepts
4. Social Media Strategist
Do you know how TikTok works?
Do you know tips and tricks for getting people’s attention on Instagram and Facebook?
Can you develop a plan for creating leads and turning those leads into conversions on these platforms?
If the answer is “Yes,” why not try to be a social media strategist?
The most extensive resource you need to thrive here is an intimate knowledge of how most mainstream social media platforms work. You’ll simply use that knowledge to help brands reach their target audience more efficiently and get paid for your services!
Pay Estimate: $26 per hour
Minimum Age Requirement: 16 years old
Core Tasks: Researching and developing social media strategies to attract as much traffic as possible
5. Vlogger
Imagine this – You really bought the blogging idea; you have a niche you’re interested in, and you’re sure you can create engaging content. However, you know that you could be a better writer.
Instead of creating your content as a blog (with written text), you could create it as a vlog! A vlog is a blog, except you make audio-visual content here instead of using written words.
Just make your videos and post them on platforms like YouTube!
This is one of the best online jobs for teens who aren’t camera-shy, as it gives you so much creative latitude to explore!
Pay Estimate: $35 to thousands of dollars
Minimum Age Requirement: Any age
Core Tasks: Designing and creating engaging videos
6. Voice Over Expert
Voice-over experts or actors participate in audio-visual projects without featuring their faces in the content. Some projects that these professionals handle range from animated clips and videos to radio and even commercial adverts.
If you’re looking for work-from-home for teens that won’t put as much stress on you and doesn’t demand any experience, voice-over acting is always worth trying.
Pay Estimate: $20 to thousands of dollars
Minimum Age Requirement: 13 years old
Core Tasks: Adding audio to media content
7. Influencer
Speaking of cool jobs teenagers can do from home, have you considered becoming an influencer?
You already have an account on a few mainstream social media platforms. Also, you’ve probably already got more than a few friends and followers on those platforms. That’s half the work done.
All that’s left is for you to grow what you have into a bigger crowd and be able to influence their buying decisions! Of course, growing your follower base doesn’t happen at the snap of your fingers. But you’ll essentially be your own boss, and there’s no limit to what you can earn here!
Pay Estimate: Varies but unlimited
Minimum Age Requirement: Any age
Core Tasks: Providing engaging content and growing your follower base
8. NFT Creator
Digital assets are the in-thing at the moment, and non-fungible tokens are right at the top of that pile, aren’t they?
If you have an affinity for the creative, why not become an NFT maker?
The beauty of these online jobs for teens is that you can branch out however you like. For instance, you could use tools like SketchAR or Krita to make NFT art. For music lovers, you can use platforms like OpenSea or Rarible to create music NFT.
There are other great tools like DropKit, Pixel Chain, and NightCafe that you can use to make and mint different types of NFTs!
Pay Estimate: Varies, also unlimited if done right
Minimum Age Requirement: Any age
Core Tasks: Creating and minting NFTs
9. Copy Editor
Think you’ve got good grammar chops?
Love to read?
Have an excellent eye for detail?
If you’re nodding your head right now, copy editing could be your gig!
One of the best jobs for 16-year-olds online, all you’ll be doing as a copy editor is checking written texts for grammar and spelling accuracy. You’ll also be required to ensure that the texts strictly follow a given writing style and have high readability.
Sure, this is no mean feat.
Thankfully, you’ve got several great tools like Grammarly, Hemmingway, and ProWritingAid to help you with these tasks! I personally use Grammarly, and I can’t get enough of this tool. I swear it has helped me with many gigs over the years. Even though it’s more expensive than the rest, Grammarly’s accuracy and detailing is on point. Definitely worth the investment!
Pay Estimate: $25.05 to thousands of dollars
Minimum Age Requirement: 16 years old
Core Tasks: Reviewing, revising, correcting, and editing texts
10. Podcast Creator
Give your thoughts, ideas, and opinions to the world and earn a decent income for your efforts!
Podcasting is undoubtedly one of the best remote jobs for young adults. With more than 100 different niches for you to explore, this field doesn’t stifle your creativity in any manner, shape, or form!
First, find and pick a niche you are genuinely interested in and passionate about. Next, research topics in that area. Finally, put an interesting spin on that and release your episode to the wind!
Again, it’ll probably be a lot of work. But you will have a blast if you pick a space you enjoy working in!
Pay Estimate: $16 per hour
Minimum Age Requirement: Any age
Core Tasks: Creating engaging podcast content
11. Proofreader
Like a content editor, you’ll be working closely with written text. But unlike an editor, your responsibilities as a proofreader are much more limited.
All you’ll do as a proofreader is check drafts to ensure they’re free of grammatical and punctuation errors. You’re not concerned with providing the flowability or readability of the text.
These online jobs for teens are great because you can significantly increase your service quality here by leveraging several excellent tools like Ginger, Scribens, and Antidote!
Pay Estimate: $18.90 per hour and more
Minimum Age Requirement: 15 years old
Core Tasks: Checking and correcting grammar and punctuation errors in texts

Remote Jobs For Tech Teens
You might be more tech-inclined and want to pursue a summer gig that allows you to enjoy your interests to the fullest. In that case, some remote jobs for teens you can check out are:
12. Computer Support Consultant
True, computer technology has become a lot more common in recent times. Interestingly, that has increased rather than decreased the importance and relevance of people with tech knowledge and skills.
If you’ve always had a thing for computers and know your way around computer programs and other things, you should consider getting any of the many tech support remote jobs for young adults available today.
Pay Estimate: $35.50 per hour
Minimum Age Requirement: 18 years old
Core Tasks: Manage and maintain computer systems
13. Programmer
Do you know any programming languages?
Can you code well?
If you’re familiar with languages like Python, JSON, and XML, a side gig as a programmer may well be in the cards for you!
There are a few ways you can approach this side hustle.
One, you could play it solo. Try to create the software on your own. And, when it’s ready, sell it on platforms like Sellfy and Ecwid. Alternatively, lend your services as a freelance programmer on sites like Toptal, and People Per Hour.
Either option will effectively guarantee that you use your skills to the max and get rewarded for that effort.
Pay Estimate: $35.10 to thousands of dollars
Minimum Age Requirement: Any age
Core Tasks: Writing code and building software
14. Web Designer
For teens with graphics design and coding skills, there’s arguably no better online gig than website designing. As a website designer, you’ll be using your knowledge of programming to code various aspects of the platform. You’ll then use your graphic design expertise to structure and design the site’s layout, visuals, and user experience.
Beyond this, web designers also take on the responsibility of testing these platforms to ensure they’re running as intended. They’re also responsible for ensuring the site is updated with the latest features and recent trends.
It’s a lot of work, but it’s sure to provide valuable experience, helping you enhance your skills.
Pay Estimate: $30.69 to thousands of dollars
Minimum Age Requirement: Any age
Core Tasks: Coding and designing the visuals of the website

Remote Jobs For Enterprising Teens
Teen entrepreneurs aren’t left out either! Some of you might enjoy the hustle, so here are some great remote jobs you can try your hands at include:
15. Customer Service Consultant
Do you have excellent people skills? Love being your own boss?
Do you like helping people and be creative at the same time?
Do you want to get one of the best remote summer jobs for teens pay-wise?
If you ticked “Yes” to the above questions, you should consider working as an online customer service consultant.
These types of gigs usually take some getting used to. These jobs teach you functional professional skills that you find invaluable further. Of course, it also helps a lot that you get to keep your own time, for the most part, with these jobs.
Pay Estimate: $16 to thousands of dollars
Minimum Age Requirement: 18 years old
Core Tasks: Answer questions and queries from customers about products and services
16. Call Reviewer
Yet another online job for young people worth checking out is called reviewing.
Companies often record their customers’ calls. There are numerous good reasons for this, including helping the company enhance customer experience, helping turn leads into conversions, and ensuring they get all the crucial information.
As a call reviewer, you must listen to these calls and answer a few questions while you’re at it. This helps the company gather and act on the information they need.
These side jobs for teens are stress-free for the most part. So, you should be fine managing it with school.
Pay Estimate: $100 and more
Minimum Age Requirement: 17 years old
Core Tasks: Reviewing calls and answering questions
17. Online Freelance Tutor
Are you exceptionally proficient at a particular course, subject, or skill?
If yes, teenagers can do many online tutor jobs from home!
One of the sweetest things about this work-from-home for teens is that it doesn’t push you out of your comfort zone. All you’ll be doing is providing sessions and/or learning materials that people can use to learn what you know.
It’s simple, not too time-consuming, and can be a great source of passive income for you, short and long-term.
Pay Estimate: $14.85 to thousands of dollars
Minimum Age Requirement: 18 years old
Core Tasks: Creating learning resources and teaching
18. Virtual Data Entry Expert
This job sounds fancy, but it’s different from operating as a modern-day typist. Working as a data entry specialist, your core tasks will involve inputting bits of data into a company’s database and ensuring that their datasets are all in order.
Data entry is one of the best side jobs for teens with a knack for paying attention to detail and excellent typing skills. It also helps that you can start working freely here without prior experience.
Pay Estimate: $15.57 to thousands of dollars
Minimum Age Requirement: 17 years old
Core Tasks: Typing
19. Digital Assistant
A digital assistant, famously known as a virtual assistant, is a professional who helps provide base administrative support for companies or individuals. They do things like manage schedules, take calls, and organize appointments. Occasionally, they also carry out tasks like typing and social media management.
The responsibilities of a digital assistant are robust. As such, give these online jobs for teens a little more thought before delving in. There are positives to consider, too, though. For example, you can hone your organizational skills and multitasking capabilities by working as a virtual assistant. So, there’s that.
Pay Estimate: $19 to thousands of dollars
Minimum Age Requirement: 16 years old
Core Tasks: Manage administrative activities and create social media content
20. Drop-shipper
These jobs teenagers can do from home are best reserved for the more business-minded. If you believe you’re an entrepreneur and want to get into the buying and selling world quickly, safely, and fluidly, consider starting as a drop-shipper.
You can avoid many upfront costs and risks common to the conventional business model when drop-shipping. However, this isn’t to say that drop-shipping is a breeze, and you can afford to go in without a plan.
Rather, you should learn more about drop-shipping and develop a comprehensive strategy before jumping in.
Pay Estimate: $100 to thousands of dollars
Minimum Age Requirement: 18 years old
Core Tasks: Facilitating the sale and purchase of various items
21. Affiliate Marketing
Would you like to earn unlimited commissions?
Do you know how to encourage people to make conversions?
Are you a creative content maker?
For teenagers who answer “Yes” to the above questions, you could have the makings of the next John Chow!
As an affiliate marketer, your job is simple: present a product or service in a way people find attractive. And some affiliate programs offer as much as a 30% commission reward!
One of the best things about these side jobs for teens is that they don’t put you at any risk! Also, any goals you set are purely for self-motivation. You get to be yourself and be completely free here!
Pay Estimate: Varies
Minimum Age Requirement: 18 years old
Core Tasks: Creating content to encourage people to make conversions
22. Translator
If you speak and write in more than 2 languages, there are several online jobs for teens that you can check out. More specifically, if you’ve got a commanding grasp of languages like Spanish, Mandarin, German, and/or English, you will have a profitable experience as an online translator.
As a translator, you’d be expected to convert text, information, and other data from one language into another.
Because of how important these tasks are, remember that most platforms that’ll engage your services in that capacity will require you to take and pass a language test. Once you ace that, you’re in!
Pay Estimate: $21 per hour
Minimum Age Requirement: 13 years old with parental consent
Core Tasks: Translating text from one language to another language
23. Transcriptionist
Yet another tremendous remote summer job for teens is working as a transcriptionist. Transcriptionists are experts that go through audio and/or video recordings. They listen to these recordings carefully and convert the content of the clips to written text.
In this regard, transcriptionists are like old-time secretaries.
As meetings have been held virtually more often than not in recent times, the demand for the services of these professionals only continues to rise. You should try this gig if you have good typing skills and can provide error-free texts!
Pay Estimate: $15 to $25 per hour
Minimum Age Requirement: 17 years old
Core Tasks: Typically and proofreading
24. Telemarketing Agent
Interact with people over the phone, introduce them to new products and services, and tell them why taking on their products might benefit them. Telemarketing is one of the more unusual jobs for 16-year-olds online. That being said, it’s also quite remarkable in its own way.
Working as a telemarking agent helps you build character, develop your people skills, and even make you a better public speaker! In addition to that, it might help you hone your conflict resolution skills as well.
In essence, it’s a job that pays you for developing yourself!
Pay Estimate: $16 per hour
Minimum Age Requirement: 16 years old
Core Tasks: Engage leads and encourage them to make conversions

Remote Jobs For Adventurous Teens
Do you just want to explore remote jobs for teens this summer and see where the road takes you? If you’re free spirited and carefree, yet want to earn some pocket money without cracking your head, I’ve got just the thing for you! Some gigs you should give a try are:
25. Song Reviewer
Have you ever wondered how some songs come out and seem to have the perfect note, rhythm, tone, and wording?
Sometimes, the songwriter is a creative, psychic genius. But, more often than not, it’s because the songwriter has had the song reviewed beforehand by its target audience and made some tweaks to make that music more appealing.
Join the ranks of song reviewers and offer your insights to help artists and brands make better songs! This is one of the best remote jobs for young adults because you’ll mainly be listening to music – something you’re probably a hardcore fan of anyway!
Pay Estimate: $12 to $1, 000
Minimum Age Requirement: 16 years old
Core Tasks: Listening to songs and writing reviews
26. Swagbucks Operator
Reward sites are popular in the U.S. right now, and Swagbucks is one of the very best of them. Like all legit reward sites, Swagbucks rewards you for performing certain activities. Some things you could be asked to do on the Swagbucks platform include watching videos, completing surveys, and even website testing!
To be clear, using Swagbucks doesn’t help you rake in tons of money. But you can make enough spending changes at a pace that won’t affect other aspects of your life.
Pay Estimate: Varies with activity
Minimum Age Requirement: 13 Years Old
Core Tasks: Performing different tasks
27. Online Survey Expert
If you like the Swagbucks idea but want to focus on something more specific (potentially more rewarding), you could be an online survey expert!
Platforms like SurveyMonkey, InboxDollars, and Branded Surveys help you considerably increase what you stand to make from taking surveys. Again, you’ll not make Elon Musk-que kind of money here. However, the more surveys you take, the more you will make with these platforms.
Of course, the above are a few of the best online survey websites. You can have fun hunting for even more lucrative spots. However, be careful to vet any website you want to use first. This is important so you don’t become a victim of scams.
Pay Estimate: Varies with activity
Minimum Age Requirement: 13 years old
Core Tasks: Taking surveys and writing reviews
28. Ibotta Operator
Ibotta is less of a way of making money. Strictly speaking. Instead, it’s a way of saving or getting more value for the funds you spend. Here’s how the setup works.
You download the Ibotta app and register to become a user. Now, before shopping (whether in person or online), confirm that the item you want to purchase is featured on your Ibotta app.
If it is, there is little you can do. However, if the item is listed on your app, add it to your list and cart. You can verify that by scanning the receipt when you’ve made the purchase. You get your Ibotta reward after this.
Sadly, Ibotta doesn’t work outside the U.S.
Pay Estimate: Varies with the number of purchases
Minimum Age Requirement: 13 years old
Core Tasks: Making purchases
29. Giveaway Contestant
Yes, we know.
Becoming a giveaway contestant can be considered less of a vocation. That said, you’d be astounded by how much you could gain from these kinds of gigs.
It might be less consistent, but in terms of sheer profit, it’s just as rewarding as most regular outdoor jobs for teens. Moreover, it puts you under less stress or pressure.
What makes the deal even sweeter is that you don’t have to look too far to find giveaway opportunities. With platforms like Sweeties Sweeps and Infinite Sweeps, you can enter as many competitions as you want!
Pay Estimate: Varies
Minimum Age Requirement: 18 years old. However, younger people can participate with parental consent
Core Tasks: Winning contests
30. User Interviews Participant
Did you know you could earn $40 to $200 by simply sharing your opinions?!
User Interviews is a platform that pays people of all age groups (teenagers included) to sample products and leave feedback!
If you’re at least 18, you can sign up on this platform immediately. You can also register as a participant from as young as 13. However, individuals under 18 need to secure parental consent before they can get started.
Pay Estimate: $40
Minimum Age Requirement: 13 years old with parental consent
Core Tasks: Sampling products and leaving feedback
Finding The Best Remote Jobs For Teens
Finding the best remote jobs for teens is no walk in the park. While it might seem as simple as simply picking random side jobs for teens, it goes a lot deeper than that. You must ensure these gigs are legal, enjoyable, safe, and offer sufficient value.
In that regard, we’ve highlighted the best jobs for 16-year-olds online. You could be an Ibotta operator or a giveaway contestant for those who want something simple and slow-paced. Others who are more interested in testing and honing their hard skills could try their hands at programming or web design.
In either case, all the online jobs for teens offer the best of traditional outdoor jobs for teens while cutting out on the less-than-pleasant aspects.
Give an online gig a shot today!